Outdoor season starts 14th April 2024
Chester-le-Street Bowling Club
Thank goodness the Winter is over! But is Spring going to be any better . .?
We have entered teams for three local Leagues - Pelton Fell Vets, Durham County Vets, and Sunderland District Howey League and the first match will be played as soon as Tuesday 23 April !.
Many of us have been playing indoors - at Stanley or at Durham - and very much enjoying the challenges of the indoor version, but are certainly looking forward to the fresh outdoors!
The list of outdoor fixtures, showing which are at Home and Away, can be found on this website. We hope you will come and support us at our Home fixtures in particular. Maybe bring a picnic and sit in the gardens surrounding the greens? You might even catch sight of a Croquet match on the top lawn, as they share our facilities here at the Riverside. If you are interested in either sport just have a word with anyone on the Greens and they'll point you in the right direction. Alternatively, send this contact form with your enquiry and the Bowling Club Secretary will respond.
One favour we would ask, though, is to remember the Greens are a playing surface, not a playground for football, golf practice, bike rides etc. The grass takes a lot of looking after so we simply ask for your co-operation.
Hope to see you in the coming weeks.
Contact Information
Sue Allison
Find Chester-le-Street Bowling Club
The Pavillion, Riverside Park, Chester Le Street, Durham, DH3 3PN
Additional Information
Get precise directions to the car park by using www.What3Words.com///famed.starts.system (parking fees apply). The clubhouse is located behind the snack bar/toilets to the north of the car park - 5 minute walk. Parking Charges are detailed in the photo section of the home page.